Marketing for Local Entertainment & Media | Clear Channel | Clear Channel
Hamilton musical ad campaign on a Malls Live XL screen inside the Trafford centre

Outdoor entertainment advertising tips for local media and venues

The UK is home to Europe’s leading entertainment and media market - a position it was predicted to reach by 2026, but has since exceeded expectations. Out of Home (OOH) advertising offers a powerful way to capture the attention of potential audiences, bringing in revenue that can help to battle soaring utility costs currently putting local venues under threat. From bustling city streets to serene suburban areas, outdoor advertising can elevate a venue's visibility and appeal. This guide provides comprehensive tips on leveraging outdoor marketing in media and entertainment to attract diverse audiences and drive engagement. 

Understanding your audience 

Entertainment marketing strategies hinge on knowing exactly who it is you’re talking to. 

A digital screen inside a shopping mall displaying a Hamilton theatre advert

Identifying target demographics 

Understanding your audience is the cornerstone of any successful marketing strategy. Media and entertainment venues cater to a wide spread of demographics, from young music enthusiasts attending concerts at venues like the O2 Arena in London, to families enjoying Christmas pantomimes at the Birmingham Hippodrome. Single venue spaces can stage a vast range of performances, meaning that their marketing efforts will need to be able to attract the attention of lots of groups of people. 

Identifying these groups involves analysing factors such as age, income, interests, and location. For example, younger audiences might be more inclined towards modern, dynamic advertisements for events like music festivals or film screenings. On the other hand, older demographics could respond better to classic, elegant designs promoting theatre shows or opera performances. Tools such as surveys, social media insights, and ticket sales data can provide valuable information about your audience's preferences and behaviours, and tools such as RADAR can help you to pinpoint your advertising with laser precision.

Effective outdoor marketing strategies 

OOH - all about location, location, location

Utilising billboards 

Billboards are a classic and highly effective form of outdoor advertising, commonly seen in the following areas: 

  • Motorways and A-Roads 

  • City centres 

  • Train stations 

  • Shopping centres 

  • Sporting venues 

  • Tourist attractions 

Billboards are great for creating buzz and catching the eye of lots of people for a relatively low initial cost. 

Bus shelter ads 

Bus shelter ads are particularly effective in urban areas with high foot traffic, where public transport is a popular means of travel. They are a medium that is present 24/7 and almost unavoidable to those travelling past on foot, by bus, or by car. The other benefit of bus shelter ads is the fact that people have time to read them closely while they are waiting for their bus, meaning that the ad can contain more details than other forms of OOH.. 

Maximising Digital OOH (DOOH) panels 

Digital Out-Of-Home (DOOH) panels are perfect for entertainment advertising. These digital screens, found in locations such as shopping centres, train stations, and busy city streets, can display rotating ads, interactive content, and videos - such as film trailers. A DOOH panel promoting the latest blockbuster at a major cinema can capture attention with moving visuals and real-time updates. 

Transit advertising 

Transit advertising encompasses ads placed on buses, trains, and taxis. This form of advertising is particularly effective in reaching commuters and travellers. For example, a digital ad placed in a busy train station to advertise a West End show might use subtle motion to catch the eye of commuters walking past it. 

Compelling Content

Eye-catching imagery

High-quality images, bold colours, and clear layouts are essential in entertainment marketing. For example, posters for summer music festivals tend to feature vibrant colours, energetic imagery of past events, and iconic visuals of performing artists.

Clear and engaging messaging

Your message should be concise, clear, and compelling. It should quickly convey the essence of the event and create a sense of urgency or excitement. For example, a billboard advertising a local zoo might want to speak to parents and families looking for a way to enjoy a day out - the ad needs to capture the energy and emotions of that excursion, but still provide all of the key information in a clear way.

Call-to-Action (CTA)

Every ad should include a strong CTA, prompting viewers to take the next step. For most of the marketing in media and entertainment, this would be something prompting ticket sales - something that creates a sense of urgency, hinting at dwindling dates or limited seats.

Grand National advert displaying on a digital screen outside of Boots

Strategic placement of outdoor ads 

Identifying high-traffic areas 

Placement is crucial for the success of outdoor ads. High-traffic areas such as city centres, busy streets, and popular shopping districts are prime locations. For smaller local venues, hosting events where a large amount of the ticket turnover may go to walk-ins, ads should be placed in places within close proximity to the venue. 

Targeting community hotspots 

Community hubs like local markets, parks, and sports venues offer opportunities to reach local audiences. Places such of these are great for ads that will get people talking, becoming a topic of conversation as it’s passed by hundreds of members of the community every day. 

Integrating outdoor marketing with digital campaigns 

Tips for aligning OOH and digital marketing Efforts 

Entertainment marketing strategies should integrate outdoor and digital efforts. Use consistent branding, themes, and messages across all platforms. For instance, the visual style of a digital billboard ad promoting a theatre show should match the style used on the venue’s social media and website, even down to the font. 

Social Media 

Leverage social media to amplify your outdoor campaigns. Encourage users to share photos of your outdoor ads with hashtags, or run contests where participants take selfies with your billboards for a chance to win tickets. This creates a buzz online and extends the reach of your outdoor advertising.

Measuring the success of your campaign

Tracking key metrics 

In the entertainment industry, performances are judged on their success by awards, reviewers, and in the court of public opinion. Marketing campaigns can be judged similarly - but they also get the benefit of data. Use tools like mobile location data to estimate how many people viewed your ads. Additionally, track website traffic, social media engagement, and ticket sales to gauge the impact of your campaign.

Analysing ROI 

Evaluating the return on investment (ROI) of your outdoor advertising helps determine its effectiveness. Calculate the cost per impression and compare it with the revenue generated from increased ticket sales or event attendance. This analysis can help refine future campaigns for better results. 

Places, please! 

OOH advertising can work wonders to boost your entertainment advertising efforts.  


  • Understanding your audience, 

  • crafting compelling content, 

  • Strategically placing ads, 

  • and integrating with digital efforts, 

…you can maximise your campaign's effectiveness. Whether through billboards, bus shelters, DOOH panels, or transit ads, the right outdoor marketing strategy can elevate your venue's visibility and drive engagement, ensuring your events are always in the spotlight. 

Now is the perfect time to leverage these tips and enhance your outdoor marketing efforts. Embrace the powerful pull of OOH advertising and watch your venue thrive as a result. Get in touch today to find out more