Wellness 2022 - The Big Picture | Clear Channel

3 reasons why OOH has become the go-to channel for Veganuary

10 Nov 2021 / Insights
By Clear Channel UK View Author on Twitter
Clear channel digital screen showing ad for Peloton

The growth of Vegan or Plant-Based eating has been steadily on the rise since the introduction of Veganuary back in 2014, with the UK vegan population increasing to four times its original size in the first 5 years.

By Elizabeth Quach, Senior Research & Insight Manager 

2022 will symbolise stepping into a new world of wellness for many Brits. It’s a reinvigorating time to focus on and transform our health habits.  For brands, it's a big opportunity to inform and excite consumers on their journey back to real life.

To understand the meaning of wellness and the latest evolving trends, Clear Channel have conducted a new survey of 1,000 nationally representative UK respondents. Here's just a flavour of the key findings - to see the full research, fill in the form below and we’ll be in touch.

Prioritising 'Me'

1 in 3 confess that they somewhat lost themselves during the pandemic, as it negatively impacted on time for themselves and their self-care routines. After a period of lockdown, the terms ‘me’ and ‘self’ are no longer associated with isolation, but rather as a value of personal fulfilment and healthy living. The new research identifies three trends that will underpin this wellness movement in 2022.

3 Wellness Trends

Home Wellness:
Traditionally, a place to return and rest after work, the pandemic has led to a reinvention of living spaces as offices, gyms, places of entertainment and so much more. Over 2 in 5 intend to invest more into their home care routines.

Strengthen not Boost:
Consumers are seeking products that can strengthen and protect long-term. Immunity is not something to switch off, but viewed as always-on, with 82%agreeing they always want to stay healthy.

Clean Consumption:
The demand for ‘clean’, ‘natural’ and ‘sustainable’ products is evolving at pace. 11 million UK consumers are buying clean labels because they perceive these products as safer for human health and the environment.

Large billboard showing ad for The Gym Group

Inform, excite and flex to real life

As we transition into a post-pandemic era, Out of Home is perfectly placed to not disturb the security and sanctuary of the home, but support consumers as they fully immerse themselves back into the real world. In the journey of developing one’s healthiest self-relationship, leverage Out of Home’s power in building reach, trust and engagement to truly connect with your consumer.

Want more on Wellness?

Our new Wellness 2022: The Big Picture deck is packed full with all the research insights to help you make the most of your Wellness advertising campaigns.

To see the deck, fill in the form below and our dedicated team will be in touch.

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