Outdoor Planning Awards 2014 | Clear Channel UK

Outdoor Planning Awards 2014

Best Use of Innovation in Outdoor

'#LookUp' for British Airways by OgilvyOne and Posterscope

The objective for British Airways (BA) was to remind the public of the magic of flying, to rekindle the excitement and create sense of wonderment. A bold strategy was developed to provide a new experience worthy of consumer’s time in a way that only digital Out of Home could deliver. Creative featured a child pointing to BA planes as they travelled overhead and displayed the flight number and starting point.

Innovation was instrumental at every point of the campaign, such as the bespoke surveillance system used to read the data of only the correct aircraft. A flexible and sophisticated scheduling solution was pioneered to ensure that the ads were only served when needed – each time a passing BA flight was visible. A progressive payment structure was also created which provided the flexibility required to deliver the creative pay-off.


The campaign created real wow factor and captured the imagination of millions across the globe. It has received over 1.2 million YouTube views on the official BA account and generated an incredible amount of press.

"Innovative on every level, this campaign really pushes the medium forward. It is truly inspiring, a game changer with extraordinary impact which was loved by the public and delivered on warmth and emotion."

Best Use of Continuity in Outdoor

Winner: '#Shareacoke’ for Coca-Cola by Posterscope, Vizeum, MediaCom and LIVEPOSTER

Coca-Cola developed a unique promotion to reignite the nation’s passion for the brand: The iconic logo on products was to be replaced with the UKs most popular names. To support the promotion, the campaign had to deliver scale but with relevant personalisation and an emotional connection by encouraging consumers to #Shareacoke with the people they love. A multi-phase strategy was developed to maintain momentum over the course of the campaign and key strategic moments were identified where Out of Home could drive strong engagement.

At launch stage, Out of Home was used to create a national showcase, driving instant noticeability to a mass audience, with multiple executions each showing a different name. Messaging was reinforced and kept fresh with different phases, including the launch of new names, using multiple executions showing key reasons for sharing. Coca-Cola made the most out of strategic moments such as Father’s Day. Digital Out of Home advertising was the perfect medium for consumers to engage with the promotion and show why they wanted to #Shareacoke with Dad. Digital Out of Home was used tactically throughout to showcase real-life moments of sharing, social content was integrated into creative to provide an emotional connection and personalise the message.


The campaign was a huge success. Out of Home drove a large shift in awareness, delivered strong word-of-mouth and, most importantly, drove sales for the brand.

Highly Commended: BT Sport ‘Channel Launch’ by Posterscope and LIVEPOSTER

Effectively built a great story with dynamic and relevant communications. The campaign developed a continually changing dialogue with  consumers over the long term using targeted, updated and flexible messaging.

Best Use of Digital in Outdoor

Winner: 'Google Outside' for Google by Talon, OMD International, R/GA and Grand Visual

Googling the answer to a question has become second nature for many consumers. The challenge for this campaign was to remind people of the magic of Google search. The strategy was to take search beyond the mobile and desktop, to a whole new environment, so ‘Google Outside’ was born. The campaign harnessed the power of digital Out of Home to bring the best of Google Search to the city, making digital screens smart, context-aware and unique.

160 locations were identified across London, including bus shelters and the London Underground, where dwell time is high and consumers can appreciate useful, entertaining and inspiring content in moments of relative calm. Screens were individualised, displaying unique content using real-time data from a wide variety of sources, reflecting many factors such as day of the week, time of day, weather, location etc. Content included everything from step-by-step directions to restaurants, bars and tourist attractions to fun search queries like “How tall is Big Ben?” Each location featured specific search results based on GPS coordinates. Thousands of individual stories were developed to give Londoners a highly relevant experience at every location, any time of day.


The campaign really pushed the boundaries of digital Out of Home. The public response was overwhelmingly positive with research showing a significant shift in brand attitudes and an outstanding conversion rate for people who saw the campaign downloading the Google Search app.

Highly Commended: 'Mini Not Normal' for Mini by Postersope, Vizeum, Iris, LIVEPOSTER and Koffeecup

Demonstrated a compelling use of digital Out of Home, utilising real-time user generated content in a clever and inventive way. This highly interactive campaign used digital Out of Home to deliver shared experiences. It really brought the brand to life, using tailored, fun messaging to create a passionate, authentic and engaging story.

Best Use of Multiple Formats in Outdoor

Winner: 'Work from Anywhere' for Microsoft Office 365 by UM London and Rapport

The objective for Microsoft was to change the perception of the brand from being a ‘desk-based’ tool and to demonstrate that Office 365 allows you to ‘Work from Anywhere’. The strategy was to communicate a simple and clear message in creative and innovative ways to a commercial audience. The campaign went way beyond the traditional, using media in smart ways to follow the audience through their working day, demonstrating how Office 365 could be used at each point.

Innovations included a fleet of NFC and WiFi-enabled taxis allowing people to work on the go. Unique WiFi-enabled commuter hub dominations were created throughout the UK, ensuring the Office 365 message was relevant to on-the-go commuters. Lawn art helped commuters in Manchester, Edinburgh and Canary Wharf to envisage their office outdoors and WiFi-enabled park benches were positioned across the UK, acting as branded mobile offices, demonstrating the core USP ‘Work from Anywhere.’


The campaign really brought the product to life and contributed to one of Microsoft’s most successful launches in the UK. There was a significant increase in the number of businesses using Office 365, web traffic increased dramatically, and thousands of people interacted with the campaign.

Highly Commended: 'Fly Virgin Trains' for Vigin Trains by Manning Gottlieb OMD

A campaign which used different formats to serve a clear purpose in a clever way. It was well-targeted and precisely planned showing great attention to detail. Each step of the consumer journey was carefully planned out and key touchpoints reached throughout, with a great localisation element.

Best Use of Outdoor in a Multimedia Campaign

Winner: 'Skyfall DVD' for Fox Home Entertainment by Posterscope and Vizeum

Skyfall was a hugely successful film at the cinema. In order to match that success with the DVD, ambitious sales targets needed to be met. The challenge was to create a campaign that delivered mass awareness, stature and ubiquity. The strategy was to dial up the elements that make the Bond brand distinct and develop them through the communications to create a truly integrated campaign.

Out of Home was the bedrock of a multimedia campaign, providing national scale and the opportunity to make Skyfall unavoidable. A diverse range of formats were used to create a sense of ubiquity. Creative opportunities and innovation were used to bring the film to life, maximise engagement and generate word-of-mouth. Scenes from the movie were recreated using Out of Home formats such as the London Underground chase between Bond and Mr. Silva, which featured James sliding down escalators. The Skyfall train scene also inspired a full train wrap which travelled along the same route as that taken in the film. Print, TV, radio, digital, cinema, VOD and experiential were all used to increase overall cover and provide further creative scope for disruption.


A brilliant campaign which delivered impact and reach on a huge scale, it was truly inescapable. Crucially sales of the DVD far exceeded all sales targets.

Highly Commended: '#scrabblechallenge' for Mattel by Posterscope, Carat, LIVEPOSTER and Oakwood

Mattel combined mobile, digital and experiential activity – with Out of Home at the heart. A brilliant demonstration of different media working together, the campaign was highly engaging and really created buzz. It captured the imagination of the public and drove great social interaction.