Expertise and experience | Clear Channel
A operative working on a Living Roof bus shelter.

A talented team

We have all the experience and expertise needed to help you with any challenge.

Our full in-house service sets us apart. From legal and planning through to our maintenance and repair teams and everything in between - our departments work together to ensure our partners and their infrastructure are taken care of.



service and maintenance tasks completed annually

Our professional and passionate in-house team deal with over a million jobs per year, and as far as possible, we deal with everything in house.

The People behind the Posters being part of the organisation, we believe, drives higher accountability, value-driven employees connected to our mission and purpose, a permenant focus on operational improvements and the highest possible service levels.

And the statistics and testimonials are there to prove it.

  • 630,000 Adshel posters put up

  • 375,000 street furniture cleans

  • 28,000+ calls to 999

  • 550+ calls to Samaritans

  • Less that 260 public reports

  • 1 lost teddy bear returned

Operatives working on a bus shelter.

Proactive care by skilled operatives

Our in-house team of maintenance operatives and qualified electricians undertake proactive maintenance work and safety checks, as well as speedily responding to public and partner reports.

The proactivity of our team is why we believe we receive so few reports from the public, with under 260 last year.

All operatives receive training to ensure they work safely, efficiently and effectively, with all logistics and jobs Mapped and managed by our in-house system, OASIS.

It's another way we lead, empowering our people with the latest technology.